The land grab threatens to destroy the declining dynasty
When the massive Lawson cattle station has no heir, rival factions in Australia see a chance to take control. The series was filmed in the Northern Territory and South Australia in locations so remote they are barely inhabited – let alone shown on screen. Locations include Kakadu National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site – with special permission from the traditional owners – and Tipperary Station, a living working cattle station that is so large it has its own airfield and school..
Which could make for a wonderful stage drama
There are shows you start to watch and have high hopes. This show is about a family that owns a very large tract of land within the city of Oz. The earth and his charisma are unfortunately destroyed by the extremely poor screenwriting.
They try that, but the characters fail to form a family that you engage with
It’s very dramatic, has characters that are borderline caricatures, and far too many totally unbelievable things happen. Whereas as a viewer you want to be swept up in a story about a family that has characters with depth and complexity. There is far too much crime and drama going on, which again is poorly written.
So I really wanted to like this, but the writers did
It seems that people are constantly shooting, robbing and hurting each other in the big country below. a second-rate crime shows that, despite some great actors, it doesn’t deserve a high rating. However, I’ll have hope for a second season if they dial back the drama and violence a lot and let some smart people write.
But that’s it
There is a foundation with the landscape and a good cast that they can build on.