On an island filled with haves and have-nots, teenager John B enlists his three best friends to find a legendary treasure tied to his father’s disappearance. Chase Stokes, Madelyn Cline and their “OBX” pals. co-stars quiz each other on the best lines from their popular Netflix series. Was filmed on location in Charleston, South Carolina; it was originally supposed to be shot in Wilmington, North Carolina. Featured in MsMojo: Top 10 Netflix Original Teen Shows (2020). If Into The Blue had a baby with The O.C. And That Baby Had an Affair with the Baby from The Goonies and National Treasure, this is your kind of show. I couldn’t care less about the child acting, the story is fun and has always held my attention. Another season would be great! No need to waste time scrolling endlessly – here’s the full lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month.